Abstracts. No. 1, 2023 year |
Vlasov K.O., Vinokurov A.V., Bocharov N.A. (e-mail: |
Models and algorithms for highly secure authentication of users of information systems
When solving the problem of organizing user access to information systems (IS), various methods of authentication and identification are used. The article proposes a conceptual and functional model of a highly reliable user authentication system based on the use of biometric parameters. Algorithms for training a neural network converter «biometrics-code» (BNC), the formation of an identifier and authentication of IS users are considered.
Keywords: authentication, biometrics, access, means of information protection, cryptographic protection.
Dzhanibekov V.A., Mogilyuk Zh.G., Poduvaltsev V.V. (e-mail: |
Theoretical studies of free oscillations of the orbital pendulum
The article is devoted to the theoretical proof of the hypothesis of Prof. Khlystunova M.S. on the stability positions, the study of metrological characteristics, including the calculation of the value of the period of free natural oscillations of the orbital pendulum. The design of such a pendulum is considered, which is a dumbbell with equal masses and freely rotating on an axis in the center of its masses. It is shown that the solution of the differential equation of free oscillations of a pendulum placed on board a spacecraft in near-Earth space orbit or on the Earth's surface confirms the hypothesis that the pendulum has two equilibrium positions with the same frequency of natural oscillations. An important result of this study is the conclusion that the frequency of natural oscillations of the orbital pendulum does not depend on the length of the dumbbell and the magnitude of its masses.
Keywords: orbital Khlystunov pendulum, near-Earth orbit, spacecraft, equilibrium positions, period of free natural oscillations, calculation.
Matyukhin D., Akilin V. (e-mail: |
Study of the possibility of application of alloys with shape memory for static balance of moving instrument systems
The results of the study of shape memory alloys are presented, confirming the prospects for their use in static balancing devices for moving instrument systems, as a technique that can significantly reduce the complexity of the process of implementing this adjustment operation, and provide an automatic static balancing cycle.
Keywords: static balancing, shape memory effect, movable device system.
Shigapova V.A., Mikaeva S.A., Zhuravleva Y.A., Mikaeva A.S. (e-mail: |
Assembling the device and using bottle plastic in 3D-printing
The work is devoted to the creation of a machine and its assembly for recycling recycled plastic and its reuse in 3D-printing. The principles of operation, the location of the system, the stages of creation and assembly of the housing for electronic components are given.
Keywords: usage, bottle plastic, recycling, 3D-printer, photopolymer.
Pirog V.P., Kuznetsov B.F., Nosenko L.F. (e-mail: |
Basic methods for measuring the level of oxygen in the environment
Methods of oxygen retention are outlined. aviation and ozone oxides in the process environment.
Keywords: oxygen, hydrogen, oxide distress, ozone, solid electrolyte cell.
Akilin V.I., Galkin V.I., Kuzin E.V. (e-mail: |
Research on structural and functional composition of autonomous micromechanical attitude reference system
The article reviews research on structural and functional composition of autonomous micromechanical attitude reference systems with different types of correction algorithms: radial correction of micromechanical sensors and integral correction with implemented Kalman filter. The article includes analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both types and recommendation for their implemetation using micromechanical sensors with wide accuracy range.
Keywords: micromechanical sensors, autonomous micromechanical attitude reference system, radial correction, integral correction, oscillation damping.
Artemiev B.V., Matveev V.I., Isroilov Zh., Slivinsky S.S. (e-mail: |
«Testing & Control» and «NDT Russia» Exhibitions
The article provides a brief description of the equipment presented at the Testing & Control and NDT Russia exhibitions in 2022. More than 100 exhibitors, Russian and foreign manufacturers, integrators and suppliers took part in the exhibitions, who demonstrated a wide range of equipment that provides instrumental control, product quality control products for the aviation and space-rocket industries, the military-industrial complex, the machine-building, metallurgical, construction, electronics industries, the oil and gas industry, energy and other areas of industry and agriculture. Equipment and technological solutions were presented in the following areas: testing equipment, measuring and metrological equipment, equipment for production control, machine vision, equipment for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, equipment for laboratory control, diagnostics and monitoring systems. The exhibitions were aimed at metrologists, technologists, specialists from quality control departments, testing centers and production laboratories.
Keywords: tests, measurements, metrology, complex systems, NDT and TD technologies, equipment.