Abstracts. No. 12, 2024 year |
Khudoyberdiev E.F. (e-mail: |
Development of the Structural and Functional Schemes of a Device for Measuring the Moisture Content of Bulk Materials in Flow
This article discusses the development of the structural and functional schemes of a device for measuring the moisture content of bulk materials in flow. The main components of the device, their functional purpose, and interconnections are presented. The basic principles of the device's operation using the dielectric method of measurement are described. The main objective of the study is to ensure high accuracy and reliability of moisture measurements based on data obtained from a capacitive sensor.
Keywords: moisture measurement, bulk materials, structural scheme, functional scheme, dielectric method, capacitive sensor.
Bychkov I.N., Valyagin A.S., Vasyutkin A.O., Vedeshkin D.A, Lobanova A.G., Lobanov I.N., Smirnov Y.V, Fedotkin A.S., Shinkaruk V.D. (e-mail: |
Set of software as a design technology for IC packaging
This paper introduces software CAD tools «CPK» for IC-Package-PCB co-design tasks with subsequent assembly of the chip. These software tools were developed at PJSC «INEUM im. I. S. Bruka» with the participation of employees of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) within contract No. 075-03-2023-106 dated January 13, 2023, project No. FSMG-2022-0033 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Russian Federation). Software tools were used in the design of Elbrus processors. Directions for improving the software tools under consideration are proposed, taking into account the progress in 3D-IC packaging technologies. Results of implementation of such in-house CAD tools are unique in many respects and rather interesting.
Keywords: software design, CAD tools, package substrate routing, system in package, 3D-IC packaging, BGA and, LGA packages.
Zubkov D.A., Klimov I.S., Chemodanov V.B. (e-mail: |
Analysis of the possibility of instrumental implementation of the horizontal drift control system of a tethered flying multirotor system
When conducting flights of a multirotor apparatus with external power supply, also known as a tethered drone, the issue of ensuring the positioning of the apparatus above the take-off point with a given accuracy is acute. For automatic determination of horizontal drift in the absence of the possibility of using satellite navigation systems and increasing the accuracy of positioning, the possibility of installing an instrument complex for optical horizontal drift control on a tethered flying multirotor system is considered.
Keywords: UAV, information and measuring system, multirotor apparatus, machine vision.
Siddikov I.X., Umurzakova D.M. (e-mail: |
Modelling of synthesised adaptive-fuzzy control system for steam generator temperature control
This paper is devoted to the modelling and synthesis of a synthesised adaptive-fuzzy control system for steam generator temperature control. The paper proposes a synthesised system combining fuzzy logic and adaptation methods to achieve more accurate and stable temperature control. A detailed structural diagram of the system, modelling and tuning methods are presented. The results of the study can be applied to improve the efficiency and reliability of temperature control in steam generators in various industries. The proposed control system has potential for application in various industrial sectors where accurate and adaptive temperature control of steam generators is required.
Keywords: modelling, synthesized adaptive-fuzzy system, control, temperature, steam generator, industry, accuracy, stability, efficiency, mathematical models, regulators, adaptation, uncertainty, production.
Melnik S.S., Shchetkin O.V., Silaev V.A., Noskov D.M. (e-mail: |
Sealed insulator to protect sensors from high hydraulic pressure
The article reviews the design of a device that protects the sensors located in it from external hydraulic pressure of 1 000 atmospheres at a temperature 150 °Ń. Calculations are given, problems are identified and their elimination is described.
Keywords: tightness, sensor, temperature, pressure.
Kozlov R.Yu., Trofimov A.A., Molodtsova E.V., Abramova E.N., Pavlov P.V., Pavlova O.S., Nesturkin M.S., Shchenikov N.V. (e-mail: |
Growth of InSb single crystals with diameters up to 100 mm and producing polished wafers
InSb (indium antimonide) is a semiconductor material that has unique properties such as high electron mobility and greater sensitivity to infrared radiation. This work examines the features of technological routes for the growth of indium antimonide single crystals with diameters of 50,8, 76,2 and 100 mm, as well as the production of polished wafers based on them with a parameter Ra ≤ 0,5 nm.
Keywords: InSb, Czochralskii method, polished wafers.
Bychenok V.A., Khizhnyak S.A., Alifanova I.E., Berkutov I.V., Shkurupiy V.A., Shmakov A.M. (e-mail: |
Study of a laser-ultrasound method for monitoring mechanical stresses in relation to materials made of aluminum alloys
In order to substantiate the possibility of using the laser-ultrasonic method of monitoring residual stresses in relation to materials made of aluminum alloys, studies were conducted to establish the coefficient of elastic-acoustic coupling, which characterizes the relationship between the mechanical stresses acting in the sample material and the propagation speed of ultrasonic waves.
Keywords: laser-ultrasonic method, residual stress control, mechanical stresses, ultrasonic waves, aluminum alloys.
Shulgat O.S. (e-mail: |
Analysis of the reproducibility of triple point of water cells in order to correct the requirements of the State Verification Schedule and optimize the interval between comparisons
The study of 19 cells reproducing the temperature of the triple point of water was carried out. It was found that the results of measured deviations of temperature values reproduced by cells incorporated in the working standards of 0 category and belonging to various centers of standardization and metrology range with a double margin in relation to the permissible value according to the current standard and stay within the limits of expanded uncertainty with an 8-fold margin. Therefore, it is proposed to change the requirements of the State Verification Schedule and increase the interval between comparisons.
Keywords: triple point of water, working standards of temperature, State Verification Schedule, uncertainty of deviation measurement.